Patrick Maffio - Fitness Specialist




Health and financial security are strongly related to one another and to personal happiness. The ancient philosopher, Virgil, was once quoted as saying, “The greatest wealth is health.”

At Diazo, we believe health is as much of an “investment” as stocks or bonds. And in my view, there is little good in accumulating wealth if you don’t prioritize your health so that you and your loved ones can enjoy it together.

Lifestyle & Wellness is one of the sectors of Diazo's Concierge Services. This month, we highlight Patrick Maffio, one of our Health Fitness Specialists.



Patrick has been "investing" in his health and wellness for nearly his entire life. Now, he is a partner of the Diazo team, helping you protect your biggest asset, YOURSELF! 

Starting athletics in 1st grade, Patrick knew from the start it was going to be a big part of his life and eventually a career. With a background in wrestling, football, track, rugby, obstacle racing, and bodybuilding, he continued his passion for fitness with a degree in Kinesiology (Health Fitness Specialist) and Biomechanics from East Carolina University. 

Post college, athletics remained a big part of his life as he became an expert in training the general population (youth to elderly) for overall health and nutrition, from everyday working professionals seeking weight loss, rehabilitation & functional fitness to amateur & professional athletes seeking the highest degrees of training. Having been a regional fitness director for Golds Gym on the east coast, he moved to owning his own gym in Florida and eventually headed out west to Las Vegas to manage the personal training team at one of the leading health club chains in the country - Lifetime Fitness. 


Did you know that medical bills are one of the leading causes of bankruptcy in the US, accounting for a whopping 62%!? Your health is your biggest asset, and taking care of it will help you enjoy what you are investing in with Diazo – your wealth. Health and Wealth go hand in hand!

Using science and a kind professional approach to the world of fitness and nutrition, Patrick is here to help you pair your health with your wealth. Remember, invest in yourself to enjoy the most of this amazing life you've created.
